Tuesday, July 3, 2007

MySpace, YourSpace, HisSpace

Work is slowing way down because of the holiday so I met a friend for lunch at a great Middle Eastern restaurant and read his tarot cards.

He mentioned that some of his students wanted to know if they could friend him on MySpace. I asked if he felt like that was an invasion of privacy. He said no, it's great, because he can send them homework reminders and test reminders. I thought that was really funny. I said he should just IM them pop quizzes when he sees them online and really torment them.

I couldn't help but feel like I'd jumped the shark in my own life. My kid isn't even in pre-school yet and I'm already obsolete in terms of how people interact through technology, how technology will be used in his education and his social life.

It's been nice to blog again but I'm already pretty sure this is it for awhile. Have a good holiday.


The Speaker said...

I find this entire thing very relative. Last semester one of my instructors left for about two months to be with his family during a hard time. He kept in touch with his students via MySpace and e-mail. It was interesting, and fun to see all the things we accomplished thanks to technology.

Anonymous said...

Great work.