Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dead White Girls -- Across the Pond Edition

Today's major difference between the US and the UK in terms of reporting on murdered prostitues:

The UK cares about their dead prostitutes so long as there is a connection to Britian's proud whore-murdering history

The US does as long as a foot fetishist is involved

The US story-- of street prostitutes of various races murdered weeks and weeks ago, some of who were not reported missing at the time they were found-- will probably make international news now that a kink angle is in the mix as of today. Prior to this, the US story was buried in the TRAVEL SECTION of the NY Times, I guess because the main problem here is it could affect someone's itinerary.

At least the Atlantic City police sounded genuinely upset in previous articles. Nobody else seems to be. Maybe me.

As an aside, check out how the Times' readers get their panties in a knot over the correct use of "Ripper" versus "Strangler"in the comments section of the first story. Their main concern here is getting out their copyediting ya-yas. I'd love to see someone try that with Nicholas Kristoff; he'd probably have them kidnapped and airmailed to Darfur to see what they should really be getting upset about. I love the Times, but sometimes the readership baffles me. On the day after elections, the most read and emailed story on the site was about how to bake bread that doesn't require kneading. Because that's going to change the course of history.


Anonymous said...

Yeah - that's me. I'm one of the people who downloaded the bread article. I got the link from a food blog I check out from time to time.

Though, to be completely frank I hardly ever read the paper. No time. I need my news to fit into my multi-tasking life. I'd rather listen to NPR while doing all the other things I usually do. It's gotten so bad that I don't even read books anymore if they are not part of my thesis. I I ever want to pleasure read I pick up an audiobook.

I keep telling myself that after grad school is over I will actually read again . . .

Anonymous said...

Although it could be that the readership is so left that the day after the election everyone was so glaze eyed and happy from staying up watching returns, that really waht more was there to say?

And hey, shorter bread baking time could change history in the long view by freeing up women's time aloocation oh household duties so they can spend more time doing things like, hey, voting. Although, I do suspect that women who care about loosening their ties in the kitchen have been voting, and buying sliced bread, for some time now!